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Release of Liability & Premises Agreement

Last updated: January 2025

Please take a few moments to thoroughly read through the Release of Liability & Premises Agreement to align with our space and initiation protocol. 


It is our goal and commitment to offer a healthy, clean, and safe space to all persons that engage with Watershed Wellness Cooperative. As you take first steps towards participating in the community, we ask that you commit to four core principles: (1) responsible self-governance, (2) ownership over your personal well-being, (3) respect of other’s bodily autonomy at all times, and (4) a clear demonstration of anti-harassment language and behavior while attending and sharing space with all events and bodies of Watershed Wellness Cooperative.

General Information

Check with a doctor before using Watershed Wellness Cooperative spa services if you are pregnant, diabetic, immunocompromised, currently under medical care, have (chronic) health issues or concerns (such as, but not limited to congenital heart disease, epilepsy, lung disease, high blood pressure, dizziness, etc.), or have any metal pins / rods / artificial joints / surgical implants in place. Engaging in bodywork, massage, or spa services while pregnant or working through health concerns may be dangerous and should be discussed with a medical professional external to Watershed Wellness Cooperative. 


By signing this agreement you understand and consent to the possible risks associated with Watershed Wellness Cooperative offerings, location(s), and site elements. You agree to consult with a medical professional and accept full responsibility for your individual health and well-being. You agree to alert Watershed Wellness Cooperative of any allergies, relevant medical information / conditions, and/or skin sensitivities during the intake paperwork. By signing this agreement, you agree to keep your practitioner informed and updated as to any changes in your medical profile and understand that Watershed Wellness Cooperative and independent contracting practitioners do not accept liability for complications or arising issues due to reported or unreported changes throughout your time participating in the Cooperative’s community.


Any person entering the dry sauna and steam room assumes full responsibility for their medical status, health condition(s), and medication usage / interaction with spa elements. Furthermore, you understand you will be interacting with hot, humid, wet spaces that are shared and communal while attending Watershed Wellness Cooperative location(s). 


Upon arrival to Watershed Wellness Cooperative, we ask all guests to remove their shoes and move through the space barefoot, in slippers (provided on-site), or with personal slip-on slippers / flops to maintain cleanliness and minimize contaminants. By signing this agreement, you agree to participate in this request of the Cooperative and hold responsibility for any subsequent associated risks.


While engaging with the spa area, guests will be in varying stages of undress and this practice and privacy  is to be respected by all. Guests are asked to wear coverings (i.e. bathing suits, towel wrap, body wrap, robes, etc.)  that feel congruent with their comfort level. 


Watershed Wellness Cooperative does not discriminate against any persons, and welcomes all bodies to participate in the offerings of our space(s). We unequivocally stand with those from LGBTQIA+, BIPOC, and marginalized communities and seek to support the human rights of all persons. Harassment, discrimination, abuse, or failure to protect the dignity of another will not be tolerated by Watershed Wellness Cooperative and engagement in any of these behaviors could lead to expulsion from participation in Watershed Wellness Cooperative services, offerings, and community. We are committed to providing a safe space for all.


All guests that engage with Watershed Wellness Cooperative offerings must know their own limitations and exercise autonomy over their participation in services. By signing this agreement, you assume full responsibility for all risks associated with any activities offered by Watershed Wellness Cooperative.


We advise our guests to drink plenty of water before and after all treatments offered by Watershed Wellness Cooperative, but especially when it relates to the usage of spa services. We commit to providing delicious, filtrated water at our location(s) and guests are invited to stay and hydrate as they integrate and ground deeper in their experience while visiting Watershed Wellness Cooperative. 


In the event you experience any pain or discomfort during your treatment or spa services, please let your practitioner or a steward know immediately.

Cancellation Policy

Watershed Wellness Cooperative commits to equitable practices and policies as it relates to rescheduling and cancellation. We respectfully ask our guests to practice mindfulness and mutual understanding around the value of time for all people inside of the Watershed Wellness Cooperative community. By signing this agreement, you affirm that you understand we have a 48-hours notice for rescheduling and/or cancellation. This policy does not apply to rescheduling or cancellations due to instances of sickness or illness, fever or vomiting, COVID or flu symptoms, and/or dangerous weather or unavoidable emergencies. Furthermore, we commit to refund any guest that is ineligible for spa services in the event that participation in such services is not safe. 


Additionally, by signing this agreement, you understand that showing up late for an appointment means reduced time for your scheduled service(s). We will do our best to accommodate an extension of session block time if at all possible, but Watershed Wellness Cooperative is not beholden to ensure make-up time if you are late to your session. If you are running more than 15 minutes late, your practitioner may request to reschedule and a full payment would be charged for the service(s) booked. By signing this agreement, you accept responsibility for the full cost of your session(s) if you request a reschedule or cancellation 48-hours or less in advance of your scheduled appointment.

Consent and Affirmations

I agree to the following items and accept all terms and conditions as follows: 

  • I freely accept and agree to assume full responsibility for all risks, damages, and hazards  as well as the possibility of personal injury, death, property damage, and/or loss while engaging with any Watershed Wellness Cooperative premises, including but not limited to all spaces on-site (i.e. parking lots, front walkways / entryways, front sidewalk, treatment rooms, spa area, group room(s), garden area, etc.)

  • I have read the descriptions of the spa area and understand the content, recommendations, and policies outlined therewithin by Watershed Wellness Cooperative.

  • I acknowledge that I will not use spa services at Watershed Wellness Cooperative location(s) in the event that I am pregnant and/or facing medical conditions that are incompatible with safely engaging with the spa.

  • By signing this agreement I acknowledge that I release Watershed Wellness Cooperative from any and all liability over my well-being while engaging in any event or activity in relationship to Watershed Wellness Cooperative.

  •  I affirm that I assume full responsibility for my participation with Watershed Wellness Cooperative.

  • I commit to uphold and embody the values, policies, and requests made by Watershed Wellness Cooperative to the best of my ability while engaging in services individually or with groups, or in the company of others.

  • I know I can ask questions or seek help / support from my / any practitioner, contractor, or steward before, during, or after any session with Watershed Wellness Cooperative.

  • I know that my feedback is welcomed and encouraged by Watershed Wellness Cooperative.

  • I agree to treat others with respect, dignity, and equity. I do not engage in discrimination or harassing language or behaviors while engaging with the Watershed Wellness Cooperative community.

  • I understand that Watershed Wellness Cooperative holds a strong commitment to protect persons impacted by (perceived or provable) bullying, harassment, or discrimination and will not interpret the intention of an alleged perpetrator; moreover, perpetrating behavior may be grounds for an expulsion from services, offerings, and premises access. 

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